Common security in outer space and international law
Wolter, Detlev

Common security in outer space and international law

Personal Author
Wolter, Detlev

Added Corporate Author
Naciones Unidas. Instituto de Investigación sobre el Desarme

Publication Information
Geneva, Switzerland : United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research, UNIDIR, 2006.

Physical Description
xx, 296 páginas

General Note
Signatura: UNIDIR/2005/29
Número de venta: GV.E.06.0.3

Introduction -- Limitation of military hegemony in outer space by international law : Genesis of the priniple of the peaceful use of outer space. The passive military uses of outer space. Multilateral negotiations to prevent an arms race in outer space -- Structural change of international law, the common heritage of mankind principle and common security in outer space : The CHOM principle in outer space law and its repercussions for security in outer space. CHOM as a structural principle of outer space law. Structural change of international law and common security in outer space -- A multilateral agreement and an International Organization for Common Security in Outer Space : Proposals for the implementation of the principle of the peaceful use of outer space. A Common Security in Outer Space Treaty to implement the Outer Space Treaty in the field of security. An International World Space Organization for safeguarding the peaceful use of outer space -- Conclusion.


Subject Term
Seguridad -- Aspectos jurídicos
Espacio exterior
Derecho internacional
Derecho espacial
Espacio aéreo (Derecho internacional)



Publication Date

LibraryCollectionMaterial TypeShelf NumberStatus
Sede Santo DomingoMonografíasMonografías341.229 W868c 2006En tránsito