Imagen de portada para West Africa Small Arms Moratorium : high-level consultations on the modalities for the implementation of PCASED : a report of the Experts' Meeting and the Civil Society Meeting, 23-24 March 1999, Bamako, Mali
West Africa Small Arms Moratorium : high-level consultations on the modalities for the implementation of PCASED : a report of the Experts' Meeting and the Civil Society Meeting, 23-24 March 1999, Bamako, Mali
West Africa Small Arms Moratorium : high-level consultations on the modalities for the implementation of PCASED : a report of the Experts' Meeting and the Civil Society Meeting, 23-24 March 1999, Bamako, Mali
Información de publicación:
Geneva : United Nations, 1999.
Descripción física:
iv,77, 79, iv páginas
Nota general:
En la portada: UNIDIR United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research, Geneva, Switzerland. UNRCPDA United Nations Regional Centre for Peace and Disarmament in Africa, Lomé, Togo.

Anexos (p. ): Meeting of Ministers of Foreign Affairs on the Modalities for the Implementation of the Programme for Coordination and Assistance for Security and Developmenmt (PCASED) -- Declaration by ECOWAS Ministers of Foreign Affairs on Child Soldiers -- Plan of action for the implementation of the Programme for Coordination and Assistance for Security and Developmenmt (PCASED) -- Code of Conduct for the implementation of the moratorium on the importation, exportation and manufacture of light weapons (Draft) -- Code of Conduct for the implementation of the moratorium on the importation, exportation and manufacture of light weapons -- Plan of action for national and regional civil society and NGO networks -- To The High Level Meeting, 24 March 1999, on the Launching of the Programme for Coordination and Assistance for Security and Developmenmt (PCASED) -- Bamako Declaration for Peace by the Women of WEst african Ciil Society.

Texto en inglés y francés.

Signatura: UNIDIR/2000/2
Establishing a culture of peace -- Training for military, security and police forces -- Enhancing weapons controls at border posts -- Establishing a small arms and light weapons register -- Collecting and destroying surplus and unauthorized weapons -- Faclitating dialogue with procedures/suppliers -- Reviewing and harmonizing national legislation and administrative procedures -- Mobilizing resources for PCASED objectives and activities -- Enlarging membership of the Moratorium -- Conclusion.

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