Common security in outer space and international law
Common security in outer space and international law
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Información de publicación:
Geneva, Switzerland : United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research, UNIDIR, 2006.
Descripción física:
xx, 296 páginas
Nota general:
Signatura: UNIDIR/2005/29
Número de venta: GV.E.06.0.3
Introduction -- Limitation of military hegemony in outer space by international law : Genesis of the priniple of the peaceful use of outer space. The passive military uses of outer space. Multilateral negotiations to prevent an arms race in outer space -- Structural change of international law, the common heritage of mankind principle and common security in outer space : The CHOM principle in outer space law and its repercussions for security in outer space. CHOM as a structural principle of outer space law. Structural change of international law and common security in outer space -- A multilateral agreement and an International Organization for Common Security in Outer Space : Proposals for the implementation of the principle of the peaceful use of outer space. A Common Security in Outer Space Treaty to implement the Outer Space Treaty in the field of security. An International World Space Organization for safeguarding the peaceful use of outer space -- Conclusion.
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