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Tailings 2013 : First International Seminar on Tailings Management
Tailings 2013 : First International Seminar on Tailings Management
Autor de conferencia:
First edition.
Información de publicación:
Santiago de Chile : Gecamin, 2013.
Descripción física:
xxix, 152 páginas ; 22 cm.
Plenary presentations: Strategies for improving tailings management / Andy Fourie. Experience with the thickening and discharge of high-density tailings: Minera Esperanza / Sergio Gaete and Felipe Bello. Education and capacity building in mine waste management / Dirk van Zyl. Chilean tailings flumes: old and recent advances in research / Ramón Fuentes -- Thickening: Designing minas Conga's tailings thickener plant / Chad Loan and Travis Orser. On-line measurement of rheological parameters for feedback control of thickeners / Alex van der Spek and Robert Maron. Tailor-made tailing recovery using nozzle disc stack centrifuges and decanter centrifuges / Tore Hartmann. How flocculant selection can influence solids dilution requirements in thickener feedwells / Michel Tanguay, Phillip Fawell, Alton Grabsch and Stephen Adkins -- Site-Geotechnics: Construction of a cut-off wall for existing tailings in warm permafrost in Alaska / Franz-Werner Gerressen and Brian Wilson. Engineering challenges for Tailings Management Facilities in permafrost regions / John Kurylo, Maritz Rykaart and Lowell Wade. Recent experiences on TTD thickened tailings in Chile / Ricardo Valdebenito and Luis Paredes. Handling uncertainty in tailings planning / Carlo Cooper and Miguel Palape -- Geotechnics: The PANDA technology applied to design and operation of tailings dams / Raúl Espinace, Gabriel Villavicencio and Luis Lemus. Deformation modulus and compressibility of tailing sands under high pressure / José Campaña and Edgar Bard. Selection of laboratory testing at different stages of TSF design / Gordan Gjerapic, James Johnson and Brent Bronson. Variably saturated flow in filtered tailings / María-Fernanda Hernández, Jim McCord, Brett Byler and Jodi Clark. Centrifuge modeling of the consolidation evolution of fine-grained mine tailings / Nonika Antonaki, Inthuorn Sasanakul, Tarek Abdoun, Maria Sanin, Humberto Puebla and Javier Ubilla. Modeling field-scale multi-dimensional tailings consolidation / Murray Fredlund, HaiHua Lu, Michael Shelbourn and Johnny Zhan -- Water: Water balance in tailings: discussion on approaches / Sergio Barrera and Marcos Pinto. Sea water supply: impact on tailings management / Sergio Barrera. Dewatered tailings: simultaneous disposal to surface storage and mined stopes / José Luis Lara, Emmanuel Pornillos and Leo Lahti. Deliquoring and washing of red mud with a horizontal membrane filter press / Antti Häkkinen, Mikko Huhtanen, Teemu Kinnarinen, Riina Salmimies, Trevor Sparks and Bjarne Ekberg. Use of geochemical tracers for water management of a mine tailing in Catamarca, Argentina / Gabriel López Vazques, Paolo Bevacqua and Ramón Aravena -- Tailings transport: Production increases and tailings transport in flumes: challenges for optimizing their capacity / Vanessa Veloso, Javiera Ortiz and Patricio Chacón. Open channel design for tailings slurry material / Paul Slatter. Integrated risk analysis for solids hydraulic transportation systems in the mining industry / Lenie Gajardo, Hernán Aravena, Rodrigo Aranda, Alexandra Belaúnde and Rodrigo Sandoval. Tools for hydraulic design of high density tailings pipeline / Carlos Pérez and Jorge Riquelme -- Design: General criteria for selection of tailings deposition methods according to site conditions / Alvaro Veizaga and Raúl Feliu. Challenge in large flow of tailings management / Juan Rayo. Tailings management planning / Marco Barrientos and Andrea López -- Case history: Tailings beach characterization at the Flin Flon tailings impoundment system / Brad Russell, Damian McClarty, Steven Richards and Riley Little. Stewardship of Carmen de Andacollo tailings dam / Carlos Espinoza, Pablo Galdeano and Marcelo Mussé. Outsourcing of tailings operations: a successful case / Luis Valenzuela, Raimundo Alemparte and Ricardo Nicolau. Design of a novel tailings storage facility at Molycorp’s Mountain Pass California rare earth mine / Benjamin Schmidt, Rick Kiel, Gordan Gjerapic, James Johnson, Scott Honan and Brock O’Kelley. Expansion alternatives in tailings pond "Huaylla Khara" / Manuel Bravo -- Rheology: Assessment of dewatering and rewetting characteristics of copper tailings from laboratory column test / Karem de la Hoz, Fernando Junqueira, Jaime Marin and Troy Jones. Pipe loop tests: Successful experience in Chile / Lars Martinson, Ray Martinson and Robert Cooke. Effect of the fine material content on copper tailings yield stress / Pamela Garrido and Nestor Rojas. Pilot tests on tailings thickening, transport and deposition: objective, experience obtained and design recommendations / Marco Becerra, Victor Cisternas, Sergio Barrera and Gordon McPhail. Discussion on the influence of mineralogy on the rheology of tailings slurries / Gordon McPhail, Marco Becerra and Sergio Barrera -- Closure: Generic decision-making on the retreatment of copper tailings dams / Xinyi Wang and John Meech. Remediation of environmental impact of acidic dams of mines through membrane process / Renato Ramos, Osmar Cunha, Fabio Rodrigues, Walter Scassiotti-Filho and Mauricio Ribeiro -- Alternative topics: Tailings demostration plants: aiming for thickened tailings operation / Jerónimo Covacevich, Jorge Riquelme and Raúl Feliu. Tailings treatment status in Chile during the last decades / Danilo Muñoz and Marcial Mendoza. In-pit tailings disposal: a feasible and environmentally-friendly alternative / Rodrigo Araya, Tirso López and Enrique Garcés. The application of a remotely-operated hydrographic survey boat for tailings facility bathymetry / Adrian McDonald. Innovative methods for the reduction or prevention of tailings seepage / Jim Rouse.
Descripción cubierta:
Cubierta de color café verdoso, simulando piedra. En la parte superior se encuentra el título en letras de color verde musgo y blanco. En el costado inferior derecho, aparecen los nombres de los editores.
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