European and international media law
European and international media law
Información de publicación:
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2017.
Descripción física:
lxx, 583 páginas ; 25 x 18 x 4 cm.
1. Introduction -- 2. Fundamental rights and principles -- 3. Restrictions on freedom of expression and media freedom -- 4. The jurisdictional question -- 5. Broadcasting and other audiovisual media services -- 6. Internet governance and regulation -- 7. Telecommunications -- 8. Data protection -- 9. Copyright -- 10. Media competition law -- 11. Media law and state aid.
This book is the first to incorporate current academic literature and case law on European, transnational, and international media law into a comprehensive overview intended primarily for students. It introduces the legal framework for globalised communication via mass media, and considers the transformative effect globalisation has had on domestic media law. Engaging case examples at the beginning of each chapter, and questions at the end, give students a clearer idea of legal problems and encourage them to think critically. A wide variety of topics - including media economics, media technology, and social norms concerning media publications - are discussed in relation to media law, and numerous references to case law and suggestions for further reading allow students to conduct independent research easily.
Descripción cubierta:
Cubierta ilustrada por una fotografía de una ciudad de noche, donde se ve una calle a la orilla de un río. En la parte superior se encuentra el título en letras grandes de colores blanco y verde. Más abajo aparece el nombre del autor en letras medianas de color azul.
Impresión regular
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Imagen de cubierta: