U.S.-Latin American economic relations : hearings before the Joint Economic Committee Congress of the United States, One Hundred Second Congress, second session, April 2 and 29, 1992
U.S.-Latin American economic relations : hearings before the Joint Economic Committee Congress of the United States, One Hundred Second Congress, second session, April 2 and 29, 1992
Información de publicación:
Washington : U.S. Government Printing Office, 1993.
Descripción física:
iv,136 hojas
Thursday, april 2, 1992.Opening statement of representative Hamilton Vice Chairman. Statement of David Malpass, deputy assistant secretary for inter-american affairs, U.S. Department of State. Prepared statement of David R. Malpass. Responses to representative Hamilton's questions of march 27, 1992 regarding the enterprise for the americas initiative. Statement of Sidney Weintraub, Dean Rusk Chair, Lyndon B. Johnson School of public affairs, University of Texas at Austin. Prepared statement of Weintraub. Statement of Sylvia Sabori, director, program on international trade, overseas development council; former minister counselor of finance, Costa Rica. Prepared statement of Sylvia Saborio, senior fellow. Statement of Rudiger Dornbusch, professor of economics, Massachusetts Insitute of Technology. Prepared statement of Rudiger Dornbusch -- Wednesday, april 29, 1992. Opening statement of representative Hamilton vice chairman. Statement of riordan roett, director, Latin American Studies Program, paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, the Johns Hopkins University. Prepared statement of Riordan Roett -- Statement of Richard Feinberg, president, interamerican dialogue; and former vice president, overseas development council. Prepared statement of Feinberg -- Statement of Norman A. Bailey, president Norman A. Bailey, INC., Washington , D.C.; and former staff member, the national security council -- Prepared statement of Norman A. Bailey -- Statement of Hernando de Soto, President Instituto Libertad y Democracia; and former adviser to peruvian president Alberto Fujimori -- Prepared statement of Hernando de Doto -- Written opening statement of representative armey.
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