Imagen de portada para European action on small arms and light weapons and explosive remnants of war : final report, June 2006.
European action on small arms and light weapons and explosive remnants of war : final report, June 2006.
European action on small arms and light weapons and explosive remnants of war : final report, June 2006.
Información de publicación:
Geneva : United Nations, 2006.
Descripción física:
xiv, 78 p.
Small arms, light weapons and explosive remnants of war: threats to security and development. Small arms and light weapons. Explosive remnants of war. How small arms and ERW impact security and development -- International action on small arms and ERW: Small arms. Explosive remnants of war -- EU SALW and ERW policies and processes: Overarching EU policies. SAL W-specific strategies and policies. EU approach to ERW. A comprehensive approach to small arms, landmines and ERW -- EU funding instruments for SALW and ERW assistance: CFSP budget. Anti-personnellandmine budget line. Other funding instruments. EC funding of small arms and ERW assistance under the new financial instruments. Geographic and thematic priorities -- EU coordination and cooperation: Coordination within the EU. Relations between the EU and Third Parties -- Small arms and ERW in North Africa: The regional context. EU-North Africa relations. Findings -- Conclusions and recommendations -- Annex: background papers.
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