Institution - Library of the Chamber of Deputies, Italy

Ich Würde

Name: Library of the Chamber of Deputies, Italy
Beschreibung der Institution: The Library of the Italian Chamber of Deputies is a publicly accessible library since 1988 and since 2007 has been closely integrated with the Library of the Senate in a project to create the “Joint Parliamentary Library”. The Library is primarily focused on furnishing information to Members of Parliament and their staff in support of their parliamentary duties, but it also offers a reference service for the general public. It contains an extensive collection of more than 1.4 million books, 1,800 currently printed periodicals and more than one hundred databases. The core holdings of the Library are Parliamentary Papers (from Italy and other Countries) and scholarly publications relating to Italian and Foreign Law, Economics, Political Science, History. The Library also contains numerous special collections, which can boast items of historical interest or bibliographical rarity (e.g. “The Kissner Collection” that contains about 2000 books and engravings of Rome in antiquity and the Renaissance, published between the XVI and the XIX century). One of the main products of the Library is the “Bibliography of the Italian Parliament and Electoral Studies” (BPR) : a database available online and regularly updated that contains bibliographical records of books and academic articles (some in full text) on the history of the Italian Parliament and its elections. Moreover, the Library has the scientific responsibility for the digitization project of all the Chamber of Deputies’ Parliamentary Papers, that are progressively published on the website. It is also in charge of the management of data on the activities of the Chamber and on the questions to the Government and policy setting documents (for both Houses). A special service of the Library is providing Research Products for Members of Parliament in the field of Foreign Legislation. Research Papers provided on this issue, published on the Library website, contain impartial analysis of pieces of legislation adopted especially in European Countries. The Library regularly organizes cultural events (e.g. visits of its reading rooms that have an historic and artistic value, bibliographical exhibitions, etc.) and training courses for MP staffs, external users, librarians and students.
Land/Entität: Italy
Name des Parlaments: Chamber of Deputies of the Italian Parliament
Parlamententyp: - Parliament of a sovereign state
Im Falle von Zweikamerparlamenten, welche Kammer wird unterstützt: The Lower Chamber/House (House of Deputies/Representatives
Anzahl der Vertreter in der unterstützten Kammer: 630
Anzahl der Mitarbeiter in der Verwaltung der unterstützten Kammer: 0
Organisationstyp: Library
Nutzertypen: - Citizens
- Students
- Parliamentarians
- Goverment
- Staff
Gründungsjahr: 1848
Anzahl der Mitarbeiter: 26
Datum update: 03/07/2018


Mitglied der IFLA?: Yes
Regionales Mitglied?: No
Mitglied welcher Region?:
Mitglied der Vereinigung (en)?:


Addresse (1): Via del Seminario 76, ROME
Addresse (2):
Postleitzahl: 00186
Tel. Nr.: +39 06 67603476


Kontaktperson: Lucia Panciera
Email kontaktperson:
Tel. Nr. kontaktperson: +39 06 67603476
Name Direktorium/RC: Antonio Casu
Email Direktorium/RC:

Fragen und Antworten

Informationen zur Bibliothek

Gliederung des Bestandes: Italian and Foreign Law, Economics, Political Science, History
Zahl der eingetragenen Dokumente (Bände): 1.4 million books and 1,800 currently printed periodicals
Jährliches Wachstum des Bestandes (Bände) / Bezugsjahr:
Besondere Kollektionen (Bitte angeben): The Kissner Collection, The Fascism Collection, etc.
Online Katalog (Bitte URL angeben):
Does it have a legal depository?: yes
Erhält Ihre Institution Spenden?: yes
Bietet Ihre Institution Referenz-Dienste an?: yes
Bieten Sie neue Dienste an? (z.B. press-clippings):
Bieten Sie Dossiers für die parlamentarische Arbeit an? (z.B. für Ausschusssitzungen): yes
Verfügen Sie über Informationen bezüglich parlamentarischer Dokumente und Aktivitäten?: yes

Information zu den wissenschaftlichen Diensten

Bietet Ihre Institution Referenz-Dienste an?:
Bieten Sie neue Dienste an? (z.B. press-clippings):
Bieten Sie Dossiers für die parlamentarische Arbeit an? (z.B. für Ausschusssitzungen):
Verfügen Sie über Zusammenfassungen der Gesetzesinitiativen?:
Bieten sie Assistenz bei der Redaktion der Gesetzestexte an?:
Bieten Sie fact sheets oder briefings an?:
Bieten Sie statistische Analysen an?:
Bieten Sie Hintergrundanalysen an?:
Bieten Sie Untersuchungen der Ergebnisse/ Wirkung der Gesetze an?:
Bieten Sie andere Dienste an?:
Verfügen Sie über online Veröffentlichungen? (Bitte URL angeben):
Datum update: 03/07/2018