Institution - Deutscher Bundestag Bibliothek


Name: Deutscher Bundestag Bibliothek
Institutional Description: The Bundestag Library began its work in 1949 with a stock of 1000 volumes taken over from the Parliamentary Council. Today, with over 1.5 million volumes, it has both an extensive collection of specialist literature and special collections. The Bundestag Library serves the Members of the Bundestag and the parliamentary groups. It also supports the committee secretariats and organisational units of the Bundestag administration by making available to them publications required on an everyday basis for their work. Additionally, it is used by former Members of the Bundestag, and current and former German Members of the European Parliament, along with staff of the federal and Land authorities located in Berlin, the diplomatic missions and German and foreign journalists.
Country/Entity: Germany
Name of Parliament: Deutscher Bundestag
Type of Parliament: - Parliament of a sovereign state
In case of a bicameral parliament the served Chamber/House: The Lower Chamber/House (House of Deputies/Representatives
Number of the members of the served legislature(s): 709
Number of staff working in the served parliamentary administration(s): 3000
Type of organization: Library
Types of users: - Parliamentarians
- Staff
Year founded: 1949
Number of staff: 79
Date update: 06/20/2019


IFLA member?: Yes
Regional member?: No
Which Regional Member?:
Member of Other Association(s)?:


Address (1): Platz der Republik 1
Address (2):
Postal code: 11011
Phone: +49(0)3022733073


Contact person: Gisela Gruhn-Accaino
Email contact person:
Phone contact person: +49(0)3022733073
Name Library/RC Authorities: Holger Scheerer
Email Library/RC Authorities:

More information for questions and answers

Library information

Main subject areas of the collection: Politics, public administration, law, economics, social sciences and modern history.
Number of registered documents (volumes): 1.5 million volumes
Annual growth of collections (volumes) / reference year: 10.000
Special collections (Indicate special collections): Parliamentary materials, publications by national, international and supranational organizations and ‘grey literature’ from numerous institutions, special interest groups, political parties, political foundations, trade unions, churches, citizens’ action groups, research institutes, academic societies and think tanks, reflecting the full, diverse spectrum of opinion in a pluralistic society.
Online Catalogue (Indicate url address / internet link):
Does it have a legal depository?: Yes
Does it receive donations?: No
Does it offer reference services?: Yes
Does it have news service? (e.g. press-clippings): No
Does it have information packages for parliamentary work? (e.g. draft bills or for committee meeting): Yes
Does it have information on parliamentary documents and activities?: Yes

Research service information

Does it offer reference services?:
Does it have news service? (e.g. press-clippings):
Does it have information packages for parliamentary work? (e.g. draft bills or for committee meeting):
Does it have summaries/concise analyses of proposed legislation?:
Does it have assistance in drafting legislation?:
Does it have fact sheets or briefings? (e.g. an introduction to issues using brief fact):
Does it have statistical profiles?:
Does it have background studies, analyses?:
Does it have impact assessment?:
Does it have other services?:
Does it have online publications? (Indicate url address / internet link):
Types of users:
Date update: 06/20/2019