Institution - Library of Parliament


Name: Library of Parliament
Institutional Description: The Library of Parliament is a trusted source of information, offering parliamentarians and their staff impartial and confidential reference, research, and analysis services, news from around the globe and access to our extensive collection of resources. Every year, the Library welcome about 350,000 visitors to Parliament Hill, where we introduced them to the Parliament Buildings and more. In addition, our educational programs and resources help teachers ensure students have the tools they need to understand how democracy works.
Country/Entity: Canada
Name of Parliament: Parliament of Canada
Type of Parliament: - Parliament of a sovereign state
Number of the members of the served legislature(s): 443
Number of staff working in the served parliamentary administration(s): 2115
Type of organization: Combined library and research service
Types of users:
Year founded: 1871
Number of staff: 450
Date update: 10/21/2022


IFLA member?: Yes
Regional member?: No
Which Regional Member?:
Member of Other Association(s)?: Association of Parliamentary Libraries in Canada (APLIC)


Address (1): Parliament of Canada / Parlement du Canada
Address (2):
Postal code: K1A 0A9
Phone: 1-613-995-1166


Contact person: François Côté
Email contact person:
Phone contact person: 1-613-995-1166
Name Library/RC Authorities: Dr. Heather Lank
Email Library/RC Authorities:

More information for questions and answers

Library information

Main subject areas of the collection:
Number of registered documents (volumes):
Annual growth of collections (volumes) / reference year:
Special collections (Indicate special collections): Rare books collection, art and artefacts collection, Parliamentary Poet Laureate, Governor General's Literary Award winners and Shaughnessy Cohen prize for political writing
Online Catalogue (Indicate url address / internet link): n/a
Does it have a legal depository?: No
Does it receive donations?:
Does it offer reference services?: Yes
Does it have news service? (e.g. press-clippings):
Does it have information packages for parliamentary work? (e.g. draft bills or for committee meeting):
Does it have information on parliamentary documents and activities?:

Research service information

Does it offer reference services?: Yes
Does it have news service? (e.g. press-clippings): Yes
Does it have information packages for parliamentary work? (e.g. draft bills or for committee meeting):
Does it have summaries/concise analyses of proposed legislation?: Yes
Does it have assistance in drafting legislation?:
Does it have fact sheets or briefings? (e.g. an introduction to issues using brief fact):
Does it have statistical profiles?:
Does it have background studies, analyses?:
Does it have impact assessment?:
Does it have other services?: Yes
Does it have online publications? (Indicate url address / internet link):
Types of users:
Date update: 10/21/2022