Institution - National Library of Estonia Parliamentary and Social Sciences Centre


Name: National Library of Estonia Parliamentary and Social Sciences Centre
Institutional Description: The National Library of Estonia fulfils a dual function of a national and parliamentary library. Parliamentary and Social Sciences Centre provides library services (acquisition, preservation and granting access to information) for the parliament and public. In addition library provides publishing services for the parliament (compiling, editing, publishing).
Country/Entity: Estonia
Name of Parliament: Riigikogu
Type of Parliament: - Parliament of a sovereign state
Number of the members of the served legislature(s): 101
Number of staff working in the served parliamentary administration(s): 0
Type of organization: Library
Types of users: - Citizens
- Students
- Parliamentarians
- Goverment
- Staff
- Other
Year founded: 1918
Number of staff: 26
Date update: 08/13/2019


IFLA member?: Yes
Regional member?: No
Which Regional Member?:
Member of Other Association(s)?: European Centre for Parliamentary Research and Documentation (ECPRD)


Address (1): Tõnismägi 2
Address (2): Tallinn
Postal code: 15189
Phone: +372 630 7100


Contact person: Karmen Linask
Email contact person:
Phone contact person: +372 630 7100
Name Library/RC Authorities:
Email Library/RC Authorities:

More information for questions and answers

Library information

Main subject areas of the collection: Social sciences : politics, law, economics, sociology, library science, international organizations, European Union
Number of registered documents (volumes):
Annual growth of collections (volumes) / reference year:
Special collections (Indicate special collections):
Online Catalogue (Indicate url address / internet link):
Does it have a legal depository?: yes
Does it receive donations?: yes
Does it offer reference services?: yes
Does it have news service? (e.g. press-clippings): no
Does it have information packages for parliamentary work? (e.g. draft bills or for committee meeting): information packages for all
Does it have information on parliamentary documents and activities?: yes

Research service information

Does it offer reference services?:
Does it have news service? (e.g. press-clippings):
Does it have information packages for parliamentary work? (e.g. draft bills or for committee meeting):
Does it have summaries/concise analyses of proposed legislation?:
Does it have assistance in drafting legislation?:
Does it have fact sheets or briefings? (e.g. an introduction to issues using brief fact):
Does it have statistical profiles?:
Does it have background studies, analyses?:
Does it have impact assessment?:
Does it have other services?:
Does it have online publications? (Indicate url address / internet link):
Types of users:
Date update: 08/13/2019