Institution - National Assembly Library


Name: National Assembly Library
Institutional Description: National Assembly Library of Korea ( Hangul:국회도서관) is a library in Seoul, South Korea. It is located in Yeouido-dong, Yeoungdeungpo-gu. It is the largest Humanities and Social Sciences Library in Korea functioning as both parliamentary and public libraries. The Library manages and preserves the National Assembly records. The Chief Librarian (vice-minister level) is a public official in political service under the Speaker of the National Assembly.
Country/Entity: Korea, Republic of
Name of Parliament: National Assembly of the Republic of Korea
Type of Parliament: - Parliament of a territorial entity
Number of the members of the served legislature(s): 300
Number of staff working in the served parliamentary administration(s): 0
Type of organization: Library
Types of users:
Year founded: 1952
Number of staff: 362
Date update: 05/04/2023


IFLA member?: Yes
Regional member?: Yes
Which Regional Member?:
Member of Other Association(s)?:


Address (1): 1 Uisadnag-daero Yeongdeungpo-gu
Address (2): Seoul Korea
Postal code: 07233
Phone: +82 2 6788 4143


Contact person:
Email contact person:
Phone contact person: +82 2 6788 4143
Name Library/RC Authorities: National Assembly Library
Email Library/RC Authorities:

More information for questions and answers

Library information

Special collections (Indicate special collections):
Online Catalogue (Indicate url address / internet link):
Does it have a legal depository?: Yes
Does it offer reference services?: Yes
Does it have information packages for parliamentary work? (e.g. draft bills or for committee meeting): Yes

Research service information

Does it offer reference services?:
Does it have news service? (e.g. press-clippings):
Does it have information packages for parliamentary work? (e.g. draft bills or for committee meeting):
Does it have summaries/concise analyses of proposed legislation?:
Does it have impact assessment?:
Does it have other services?:
Types of users:
Date update: 05/04/2023