Institution - Parliamentary Library of the Czech Republic


Name: Parliamentary Library of the Czech Republic
Institutional Description: The Parliamentary library is one of the departments of the Office of the Chamber of Deputies. It serves Deputies of the Chamber of Deputies, employees of the Office of the Chamber of Deputies and Senate and selected institutions and users.
Country/Entity: Czech Republic
Name of Parliament: Parliament of the Czech Republic
Type of Parliament: - Parliament of a sovereign state
Number of the members of the served legislature(s): 281
Number of staff working in the served parliamentary administration(s): 0
Type of organization: Library
Types of users:
Year founded: 1858
Number of staff: 16
Date update: 05/17/2023


IFLA member?: Yes
Regional member?: Yes
Which Regional Member?:
Member of Other Association(s)?:


Address (1): Sněmovní 176/4, Prague 1
Address (2):
Postal code: 118 26
Phone: +420 25 717 4501


Contact person:
Email contact person:
Phone contact person: +420 25 717 4501
Name Library/RC Authorities: PhDr. Ondřej Tikovský Ph. D.
Email Library/RC Authorities:

More information for questions and answers

Library information

Special collections (Indicate special collections): Since its inception the Library has collected nearly 220,000 volumes of legal publications, legislation, political science, modern history, philosophy, sociology, economics, culture, encyclopaedias and reference books. The core of the book collection consists of Czech parliamentary documents and laws from eighteen other foreign parliaments. In accordance with the Act on the State Preservation of Monuments, the historically most valuable part of the library collection was even proclaimed a cultural monument by the Ministry of Culture in 2000. The exceptional title from our historic collection part is the only manuscript in the ownership of the Parliamentary library – „Práwa saszká“ (= Das sächs. Stadtrecht, Saxon Law) from 15th century.
Online Catalogue (Indicate url address / internet link):
Does it have a legal depository?: yes
Does it offer reference services?: yes
Does it have information packages for parliamentary work? (e.g. draft bills or for committee meeting):

Research service information

Does it offer reference services?:
Does it have news service? (e.g. press-clippings):
Does it have information packages for parliamentary work? (e.g. draft bills or for committee meeting):
Does it have summaries/concise analyses of proposed legislation?:
Does it have impact assessment?:
Does it have other services?:
Types of users:
Date update: 05/17/2023